Accepted Posters and Demos

Beyond window-of-words: extracting a citation's context using linguistic features
Daniel Duma, Charles Sutton and Ewan Klein.

Knowledge Curation Discussions and Activity Dynamics in a Short Lived Social Q&A Community
Hengyi Fu and Besiki Stvilia.

Avoiding the Drunkard's Search: Investigating Collection Strategies for Building a Twitter Dataset
Clare Llewellyn, Laura Cram and Adrian Favero

2nd place poster

BIBSURF - Discover Bibliographic Entities by Searching for Units of Interest, Ranking and Filtering
Trond Aalberg, Tanja Merčun and Maja Žumer.

Mining Advisor-Advisee Relationships in Scholarly Big Data: A Deep Learning Approach
Wei Wang, Jiaying Liu, Shuo Yu, Chenxin Zhang, Zhenzhen Xu and Feng Xia.

Who are the Rising Stars in Academia?
Jun Zhang, Zhaolong Ning, Xiaomei Bai, Wei Wang, Shuo Yu and Feng Xia.

Can you learn it? Probably! Developing Learning Analytics Tools in R
Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio.

Characterizing Users Tagging Behavior in Academic Blogs
Lei Li and Chengzhi Zhang.

Towards Identifying Potential Research Collaborations from Scientific Research Networks using Scholarly Data
Yanet Garay, Monika Akbar and Ann Gates.

Personal Video Collection Management Behavior
Sally Jo Cunningham, David Nichols and Judy Bowen.

Knowledge Extraction for Literature Review
Tatiana Erekhinskaya, Mithun Balakrishna, Marta Tatu, Steven Werner and Dan Moldovan.

Question Identification and Classification on an Academic Question Answering Site
Bolanle Ojokoh, Tobore Igbe, Ayobami Araoye and Friday Ameh.

Increasing Datasets Discoverability in an Engineering Data Platform using Keyword Extraction
Parthasarathy Gopavarapu, Line Pouchard and Santiago Pujol.

A Semantic bookworm: mining literary resources revisited
Annika Hinze, Michael Coleman, Sally Jo Cunningham and David Bainbridge.

Making Literature Review and Manuscript Writing Tasks Easier for Novice Researchers through Rec4LRW System
Aravind Sesagiri Raamkumar, Schubert Foo and Natalie Pang.

Can academic conferences promote research collaboration?
Xiaoyan Su, Wei Wang, Shuo Yu, Chenxin Zhang, Teshome Megersa Bekele and Feng Xia.

Coagmento 2.0: A System for Capturing Individual and Group Information Seeking Behavior
Matthew Mitsui and Chirag Shah.

Semantometrics: Towards fulltext-based research evaluation
Drahomira Herrmannova and Petr Knoth

Best Poster Award

A Supervised Learning Algorithm for Binary Domain Classification of Web Queries using SERPs
Alexander Nwala and Michael Nelson

3rd place poster

How to Identify Specialized Research Communities Related to a Researcher’s Changing Interests Hamed Alhoori.

Visualizing Published Metadata in Large Aggregations
Unmil Karadkar, Geoffrey A. Potter and Shenwei Wang.

MemGator - A Portable Concurrent Memento Aggregator
Sawood Alam and Michael Nelson.

Leveraging Tweet Ranking in an Optimization Framework for Tweet Timeline Generation
Lili Yao, Feifan Fan and Yansong Feng.

Evaluating Cost of Cloud Execution in a Data Repository
Zhiwu Xie, Yinlin Chen, Julie Speer and Tyler Walters.

Games for Crowdsourcing Mobile Content: An Analysis of Contribution Patterns
Dion Goh, Ei Pa Pa Pe-Than and Chei Sian Lee.

A Methodology to Evaluate Triple Confidence and Detect Incorrect Triples in Ontology Bases
Haihua Xie, Xiaoqing Lu, Mao Ye and Zhi Tang.

Open Datasets for Evaluating the Interpretation of Bibliographic Records
Joffrey Decourselle, Fabien Duchateau, Trond Aalberg, Naimdjon Takhirov and Nicolas Lumineau.

An Example of Automatic Authority Control
Anna Knyazeva, Oleg Kolobov and Igor Turchanovsky.

User Activity Characterization in a Cultural Heritage Digital Library System
Cyrille Suire, Axel Jean-Caurant, Vincent Courboulay, Jean-Christophe Burie and Pascal Estraillier.

A Mathematical Information Retrieval System Based on RankBoost
Ke Yuan, Liangcai Gao, Yuehan Wang, Yi Xiaohan and Zhi Tang.

Using co-authorship networks for author name disambiguation
Fakhri Momeni and Philipp Mayr.

Real-time Filtering on Interest Profiles in Twitter Stream
Yue Fei and Chao Lv.

Preliminary Exploration of the Effect of Time Constraint on Search Interactions
Chang Liu and Tao Xu.

Exploiting Network Analysis to Investigate Topic Dynamics in the Digital Library Evaluation Domain
Leonidas Papachristopoulos, Michalis Sfakakis, Nikos Kleidis, Giannis Tsakonas and Christos Papatheodorou.

Random Forest DBSCAN for USPTO Inventor Name Disambiguation
Kunho Kim, Madian Khabsa and C. Lee Giles.

Big Data Processing of School Shooting Archives
Mohamed Farag, Pranav Nakate and Edward Fox.

InterPlanetary Wayback: The Permanent Web Archive
Sawood Alam, Mat Kelly and Michael Nelson.

Improving Similar Document Retrieval Using a Recursive Pseudo Relevance Feedback Strategy
Kyle Williams and C. Lee Giles.

Curve Separation for Line Graphs in Scholarly Documents
Sagnik Ray Choudhury, Shuting Wang and C. Lee Giles.